Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Future of newspapers ...

There are many ways to get news in our world. You can read a newspaper, go online to your favorite news site, have it sent to your phone, listen to the radio, receive a podcast. In the 21st century it is fairly easy to know what is going on in the world. With the economic instability many people and business are worried. The world markets are affected by U.S. financial woes. Since the topic of choice is newspapers, the newspaper owners are worried also. They are worried about how to stay afloat in this crisis of technology because of the generational shift. Our grandfathers and grandmothers, parents and older siblings grew up reading newspapers. That was the best source of true and correct and quick information out there. Due to the technology boom and the fact that news is available everywhere and anytime newspapers don't know what they need to do to make a profit in these turbulent times. Now wait a minuet; i know what your thinking, why should i care? There are many reasons why you should care.

First and foremost newspapers employ people. Lots of people. They employ editors, journalists, print people and people to deliver the newspapers. Many adults, grandparents especially can recall the time they sold newspapers to make a living. Not only was that a way to make a living it was one of the least expensive ways to be informed, to develop ones mind. We take for granted the fact that there are so many different kinds of papers out there but these newspapers have changed history. Many journalists risked their lives to keep the American people informed. Freedom of the press is one of the most important constitutional freedom we have. If a countries press is censored, it means that all of the information is controlled by the government. Tell me how would people know what is truly going on?I know i am going off on a tangent here but we really need to think about the important stuff, which we rarly do. Socrates stated " is the unexamined life worth living?"Not only do newspapers provide news they provide advice, advertisements (they were here before Craigslist) and last but not least they provide awesome crossword puzzles and comics. Now who doesn't like their morning comics?

Newspapers have been around for a long time so they have developed a type of monopoly but that is changing. I believe we should help find a solution to save newspapers. Newspapers are print. When something exists in physical it really exists and its harder to manipulate and change. What would happen when and if all of our news will be published online? t is something the tecnological generation needs to think about. Our parents and granparents will only live to a certain age. Then we will become parents and granparents. We are making the choices that will make our world tomorrow. First and foremost is the fact that the story will be easily manipulated and changed. Second, what will happen if a virus gets into a system and wipes out all the news? Wipes out all the archives? People will be able to rewrite history in a blink. Is that what your waiting for? That catostrophic day? Today is too early to get prepaired? I dont think so. Everything that our generation has- someone paid the price for it. Those sleepless nights, the back pains that never end, lives lost in war and battle. Everthing has its price. What is the future of newspapers? Is it worth fighting for? I believe it is... If you have a solution, let it be known... Make a difference. =) If you wont then who will?

An interesting proposal would be a little newspapers tax.. Like say five cents- maybe a cent more or maybe less. If everyone in WA state payed it we would be able to save the day.lol I mean the newspaper.

1 comment:

S.Phoung diggity said...

You have really good points on why to care. I didn't realize how much it effects everyone.


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My name means "Dawn" and it has a Persian origin. (Hint it starts with an O-for those of u out there who love riddles). this is my first semester in UW and I'm loving all of my classes. It is way different and more interesting then H.S.I speak 2 1/2 languages besides English.Love to read..